Publications - Peers reviewed Journal articles
- Deng, H., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., & Li, J. (2019). Measuring vascularity of hypertrophic scars by dermoscopy: Construct validity and predictive ability of scar thickness change. Skin Research and Technology.
- Zhang, E. W., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Li, T. M., Huang, L., & Cheung, K. K. (2019). Smart Scar Care Pad: An Innovated Silicone-Based Insert That Improved Severe Hypertrophic Scar by Integrating Optimal Pressure and Occlusion Effects. Advances in Wound Care.
- Li, M. M., Leung, H., Li, T. M., & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2019). Measuring the tilt and slant of Chinese handwriting in primary school students: A computerized approach. PloS one, 14(11). 10.1371/journal.pone.0223485
- Chien, C.W., span class="professor-name">Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Cheung, P.P.P, Leung, K.Y., Chung, Y.L. (2019). Development and psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-11.
- Tse, L. F. L., Siu, A. M. H., & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2019). Assessment of early handwriting skill in kindergarten children using a Chinese name writing test. Reading and Writing.
- Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Li, T. M. H., Ho, C. H. Y., Lau, M. S. W., & Leung, H. W. H. (2019). The Computerized Speed Test System (CHSTS): Validation of a handwriting assessment for Chinese secondary students. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal.
- Tse, L. F. L., Siu, A. M. H., & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2018). Screening Out Chinese–English Biliterate Kindergarten Children with Handwriting Difficulties.Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention.
- Zhang, Y., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Li, P. (2018). An exploration of mechanosensitive molecules on hypertrophic scars upon pressure therapy: A preliminary study. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
- Tse, L. F. L., Siu, A. M. H., & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. Developmental Skills between Kindergarten Children with Handwriting Difficulties in Chinese and/or English. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. doi:10.1111/1440-1630.12550
- Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Li, T. M. H., Ho, C. H. Y., Lau, M. S. W., & Leung, H. W. H. The relationship between sensorimotor and handwriting performance in Chinese adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi:10.1007/s10803-018-3580-3
- Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Li, T. M. H., Ho, C. H. Y., Lau, M. S. W., & Leung, H. W. H. Handwriting assessment to distinguish comorbid learning difficulties from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Chinese adolescents: A case-control study. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. doi:10.1002/mpr.1718
- Deng, H., & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. Measurement of vascularity in the scar: A systematic review. Burns. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2018.10.026
- Zhang, C., Li-Tsang, C. W.P, Li, M.H., & Bin He (under review). The Functional Status of Flexor Tendon Injury Patients in Mainland China. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy.
- Li, P., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Deng, X., Wang, X., Wang, H., Zhang, Y., Tan, Z., & He, C. The recovery of post-burn hypertrophic scar in a monitored pressure therapy intervention programme and the timing of intervention. Burns. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2018.01.008
- Bai Z. F., Song, D. Y., Deng, H., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P.. Predictors for workers to RTW after physical injury in China: a one-year review. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation. doi:10.3233/WOR-182735
- Wei, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, M., Yan, G., Wu, S., Liu, W., Ji, G., & Li-Tsang, C. W. P.. The application of 3D-printed transparent facemask for facial scar management and its biomechanical rationale. Burns. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2017.08.006
- Kwok, Y.-T., & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (accepted). The influence of social and health-related factors on the quality of life of community-dwelling elders - A retrospective survey. Nursing Older People.
- Tse, L.F.L., Siu, A.M.H., & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2017). Development of Chinese handwriting skills among kindergarten children: Copying of the composition in Chinese characters and name writing. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 10(1), 40-51. doi:10.1080/19411243.2016.1273159
- Wei, Y.T., Fu, J.F., & Li-Tsang, Z.H.P. (2017). Advances in the research of pressure therapy for pediatric burn patients with facial scar. Zhonghua Shao Shang Za Zhi, 33(5), 277-80. doi:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1009-2587.2017.05.005
- Tse, L.F.L., Siu, A.M.H., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017). Performance on the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and its supplementary tests: comparing between Chinese and U.S. kindergarten children. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 10(4), 408-419. doi:10.1080/19411243.2017.1335263
- Zhang, Y.T., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Au, R.K.C. (2017). A Systematic Review on the Effect of Mechanical Stretch on Hypertrophic Scars after Burn Injuries. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 29, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.hkjot.2016.11.001
- Wei, Y., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Liu, J., Xie, L., & Yue, S. (2017). 3D-printed transparent facemasks in the treatment of facial hypertrophic scars of young children with burns. Burns, 43(3), 19-26. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2016.08.034
- Kwok, E.Y.T., Au, R.K.C., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016). The effect of a self-management programme on quality-of-life of community-dwelling older adults with chronic musculoskeletal knee pain: A pilot randomized control trial. Clinical Gerontologist, 39(5), 428-448. doi:10.1080/07317115.2016.1171818
- Yang, N. Y. H., Fong, K. N. K., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., & Zhou, D. (2016). Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with sensory cueing on unilateral neglect in subacute patients with right hemispheric stroke: a randomized controlled study. Clinical Rehabilitation, 1-10. doi:10.1177/0269215516679712
- Deng, H., Chen, J., Li, F., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Liu, Q., Ma, X., ... Wu, J. (2016). Effects of mobility training on severe burn patients in the BICU: A retrospective cohort study. Burns, 42(7), 1404-1412. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2016.07.029
- Tang, D., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Au, R. K. C., Shen, X., Li, K., Yi, X., ... Liu, C. (2016). Predictors of functional independence, quality of life, and return to work in patients with burn injuries in mainland China. Burns and Trauma, 4, 32. doi:10.1186/s41038-016-0058-4
- Serghiou, M. A., Niszczak, J., Parry, I., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Van den Kerckhove, E., Smailes, S., & Edgar, D. (2016). One world one burn rehabilitation standard. Burns, 42(5), 1047-1058. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2016.04.002
- Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2016). "Scarless world or scar-less world": Expedition on new perspectives on management of post-burn hypertrophic scar. Burns and Trauma, 4, 22. doi:10.1186/s41038-016-0049-5
- Leung, M. M. P., Lam, C. S. Y., Lam, S. S. T., Pao, N. W. Y., & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2016). The effect of a combined visual efficiency and perceptual-motor training programme on the handwriting performance of children with handwriting difficulties: A pilot study. Optometry and Visual Performance, 4(2), 62-71. (Best Journal paper of the year 2017)
- Chinese Burn Association, Chinese Association of Burn Surgeons, Cen, Y., Chai, J., Chen, H., Chen, J., ... The Chinese Burn Care and Rehabilitation Association (2015). Guidelines for burn rehabilitation in China. Burns and Trauma, 3, 20. doi:10.1186/s41038-015-0019-3
- Tang, D., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Au, R.K.C, Li,K.C., Yi, X.F., Liao, L.R, ... Liu, C.S. (2015). Functional outcomes of burn patients with or without rehabilitation in Mainland China. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 26, 15-23. doi:10.1016/j.hkjot.2015.08.003
- Wei, Y., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Luk,D.C.K., Tan, T, Zhang, W., & Chiu, T.W., (2015). A validation study of scar vascularity and pigmentation assessment using dermoscopy. Burns, 41(8), 1717-1723. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2015.05.013
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Wong, A.S.K., Tse, L.F.L., Lam, H.Y.H., Pang, V.H.L., Kwok, C.Y.F., & Lin, M.W.S. (2015). The Effect of a Visual Memory Training Program on Chinese Handwriting Performance of Primary School Students with Dyslexia in Hong Kong. Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 3, 146-158. doi:10.4236/ojtr.2015.34020
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., He, C.Q., Lo, A.G.W., Ding, S.J., Deng, X., Yang, Y.H., & Zhang, Y.T. (2015). Rehabilitation needs of the survivors of the 2013 Ya’an earthquake in China. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 47, 586-592. doi:10.2340/16501977-1969
- Tang, D., Li, K., Cao, H., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lin, Y., Feng, Y., ... Liu, X. (2015). Analysis of ADL and Its Affect Factors for 605 Individuals with Burn Injury. Rehabilitation Medicine, 25(1), 19-25.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Feng, B.B., Huang, L., Liu, X.S., Shu, B., Chan, Y.T.Y., & Cheung, K.K. (2015). A histological study on the effect of pressure therapy on the activities of myofibroblasts and keratinocytes of the post-burn hypertrophic scar tissues. Burns, 41(5), 1008-1016. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2014.11.017
- Wang, J., Erlandsson, G., Rui, Y.J., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2014). Efficacy of Static Progressive Splinting in the Management of Metacarpophalangeal Joint Stiffness: A Pilot Clinical Trial. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 24(2), 45-50. doi:10.1016/j.hkjot.2014.07.001
- Wong, A.S.K., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Siu, A.M.H. (2014). The Effect of a Social Emotional Learning Programme for Primary School Students. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 24(2), 56-63. doi:10.1016/j.hkjot.2014.11.001
- Leung, M.M.P, Lam, C.S.Y, Lam, S.S.T., Pao, N.W.Y, & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2014). Visual profile of children with handwriting difficulties in Hong Kong Chinese. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(1), 144-152. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2013.10.013
- Feng, B.B., Pao, W.Y., Wu, A., Li, H.C.K., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2013). Are "Smart Pressure Monitored Suits" "Smarter" than conventional garments in clinical applications? Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 23(2), 82-88. doi:10.1016/j.hkjot.2013.11.002
- 謝麗華, 梅杜, 嚴剛, 魏亞婷, 李武全, 蔣紅艷, 付晉鳳, & 李曾慧平. (2013). 自製項圈式可調壓力支具治療頸部燒傷瘢痕攣縮13例. 中華燒傷雜誌, 29(6), 523-525. doi:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1009-2587.2013.06.007
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Wong, A.S.K., Leung, H.W.H., Cheng, J.S., Chiu, B.H.W., Tse, L.F.L., & Chung, R.C.K. (2013). Validation of the Chinese Handwriting Analysis System (CHAS) for primary school students in Hong Kong. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(9), 2872-2883. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2013.05.048
- Cheng-Lai, A., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Chan, A.H.L., & Lo, A.G.W. (2013). Writing to dictation and handwriting performance among Chinese children with dyslexia: Relationships with orthographic knowledge and perceptual-motor skills. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(10), 3372-3383. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2013.06.039
- Li.J.Q., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Huang.Y.P., Chen, Y., & Zheng. Y.P. (2013). Detection of changes of scar thickness under mechanical loading using ultrasonic measurement. Burns, 39(1), 89-97. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2012.05.009
- Chen, J., Li-Tsang,C.W.P., Yan, H., Liang, G., Tan, J., Yang, S., Wu., J. (2013) A survey on the current status of burn rehabilitation services in China. BURNS, 39(2), 269-278. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2012.06.016
- Xu,Y.W., Cheng,A.S.K., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2013). Prevalence and risk factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the catering industry: A systematic review. Work, 44(2),107-116. doi:10.3233/WOR-2012-1375
- Yang, N.Y.H, Zhou D., Chung, R.C.K., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Fong, K.N.K. (2013). Rehabilitation Interventions for Unilateral Neglect after Stroke: A Systematic Review from 1997 through 2012. Frontier in Human Neuroscience, 7, 187. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00187
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Wong, A.S.K., Chan, J.Y., Lee, A.Y.T., Lam, M.C.Y., Wong, C.W., & Lu, Z. (2012). An investigation of visual contour integration ability in relation to writing performance in primary school students. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(6), 2271-2278. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2012.07.007
- 李奎成, 李曾慧平, & 刘晓艳. (2012). 截肢者生存质量及疗效评定量表:Trinity 截肢和假肢体验量表. 中國康復醫學雜誌, 27(1), 80-84. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1242.2012.01.023
- Zheng, Y.P., Chan, J.Y.L., Ng, K.H., Ding, S.J, Li T.J., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2011). In-vivo Strain Measurement for Surgically Repaired Achilles Tendon under Isometric Contraction Using Real-time Ultrasound Imaging. China Medical Devices, 26(5), 16-23.
- Lai, C.Y.Y., Chung, C.C.J., Chan, C.C.H., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2011). Sensory processing measure-HK Chinese version: Psychometric properties and pattern of response across environments. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2636-2643. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2011.06.010
- Lam, S.S.T., Au, R.K.C., Leung, H.W.H., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2011). Chinese handwriting performance of primary school children with dyslexia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(5), 1745-1756. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2011.03.001
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Au, R.K.C., Chan, M.H.Y., Chan, L.W.L., Lau, G.M.T, Lo, T.K., & Leung, H.W.H. (2011). Handwriting characteristics among secondary students with and without physical disabilities: A study with a computerized tool. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(1), 207-216. (Impact factor: 4.475) doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2010.09.015
- Li-Tsang, C.W., Feng, B.B., & Li, K.C. (2010). Pressure therapy of hypertrophic scar after burns and related research. Zhonghua Shao Shang Za Zhi, 26(6), 411-415.
- Wong, S.K.M., & Li-Tsang,C.W.P. (2010). Development of hand rehabilitation in Mainland China. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 20(1), 19-24. (Impact factor :0.462) doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(10)70054-1
- Li, H.C.K., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2010). Sports related hand injuries in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 20(1), 13-18. (Impact factor: 0.462) doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(10)70053-X
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2010). Occupational Therapy in Hand Rehabilitation: Editorial. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 20(1), 2. (Impact factor: 0.462) doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(10)70050-4
- Poon, K.W., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Weiss, T.P.L., & Rosenblum, S. (2010). The Effect of a Computerized Visual Perception and Visual-motor Integration Training Program on Improving Chinese Handwriting of Children with Handwriting Difficulties. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31, 1552-1560. (Impact factor: 4.475) doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2010.06.001
- Lai, C.H.Y. & Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Ping, Z.Y. (2010). Effect of different pressure magnitudes on hypertrophic scar in a Chinese population. BURNS, 36(8), 1234-1241. (Impact factor: 1.95) doi:10.1016/j.burns.2010.05.008
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Zheng Y.P., & Lau J.C.M. (2010). A randomized clinical trial to study the effect of combined silicone gel dressing and pressure therapy on posttraumatic hypertrophic scars. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 31(3), 448-457. (Impact factor: 1.65) doi:10.1097/BCR.0b013e3181db52a7
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lin K.H., & Liu, Z.W. (2010). Scientific research development of burns rehabilitation and hypertrophic scars. Zhongguo Kangfu Yixue Zazhi, 25(1), 89-92. 李曾慧平,林國徽, & 劉仲文. (2010). 燒傷康復及增生性瘢痕處理之科研發展。 中國康復醫學雜誌, 25(1), 89-92。
- Lai, C.H.Y., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2009). Validation of the Pliance X System in measuring interface pressure generated by pressure garment. Burns, 35(6), 845-851. (Impact factor: 1.605) doi:10.1016/j.burns.2008.09.013
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Choi, K.K.P., Sinclair, K., & Wong, S.M.R. (2009). An Explorative Study of an Emerging Practice Clinical Education Programme for Occupational Therapy Students. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 19(2), 44-49. (Impact factor: 0.462) doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(10)70003-6
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Wong, J.K.K. (2009). Enhancing visual search abilities of people with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30(1), 124-135. (Impact factor: 4.475) doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2008.01.004
- Wong, A.W.K., Chan, C.C.H., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Lam, C.S. (2009). Competence of people with intellectual disabilities on using human-computer interface. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30(1), 107-123. (Impact factor: 4.475) doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2008.01.002
- Li, K.C, Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Chen,Z.H., Wang, Y.C., Qiu, K.Y., Liu, D.M., ... He, A.Q. (2008). A study of body image, prosthesis satisfaction and quality of life of the amputees from 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake. Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 30(12), 797-800. 李奎成,李曾慧平,陈正宏,王扬春,丘开亿,刘德明, ... 何爱群. (2008). 五一二汶川地震截肢傷員身體意象、假肢滿意度及生活質量的研究. 中華物理醫學與康復雜誌, 30(12), 797-800.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Li, E.J.Q., Lam, C.S., Hui, K.Y.L., & Chan, C.C.H. (2008). The effect of a job placement and support program for workers with musculoskeletal injuries: a randomized control trial (RCT) study. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 18(3), 299-306. (Impact factor: 2.108) doi:10.1007/s10926-008-9138-z
- Xu, Y.W., Chan, C.C.H., Lam, C.S., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lo-Hui, K.Y.L., & Gatchel, R.J. (2007). Rehabilitation of injured workers with chronic pain: A stage of change phenomenon. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 17(4), 727-742. (Impact factor: 2.108) doi:10.1007/s10926-007-9105-0
- Wong, J.K.K., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2007). Computer-assisted Instruction (CAI) for typing skill training for people with mild mental handicap: A pilot study. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 17(2), 54-59. doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(08)70004-4
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Chan, H.H.K., Lam, C.S., Lo-Hui, K.Y.L., & Chan, C.C.H. (2007). Psychosocial aspects of injured workers’ returning to work (RTW) in Hong Kong. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 17(2), 279-288. (Impact factor: 2.108) doi:10.1007/s10926-007-9075-2
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lee, M.Y.F., Yeung, S.S.S., Siu, A.M.H., & Lam, C.S. (2007). A 6-month follow-up of the effects of an information and communication technology (ICT) training programme on people with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28(6), 559-566. (Impact factor: 1.484) doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2006.06.007
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lau, J.C.M., Choi, J., Chan, C.C.C., & Jianan, L. (2006). A prospective randomized clinical trial to investigate the effect of silicone gel sheeting (Cica-Care) on post-traumatic hypertrophic scar among the Chinese population. BURNS, 32(6), 678-683. (Impact factor: 1.199) (Rank:55/141, Surgery) doi:10.1016/j.burns.2006.01.016
- Li, E.P.Y., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lee, T.K., Lee, G.W.M., & Lam, E.C.F. (2006). Vocational rehabilitation program for persons with occupational deafness. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 16(4), 503-512. (Impact factor 1.63) (Rank: 5 of 48, Rehabilitation) doi:10.1007/s10926-006-9033-4
Li, E.J.Q., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lam, C.S., Hui, K.Y.L., & Chan, C.C.H. (2006). The Effect of a "Training on Work Readiness" Program for Workers with Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Randomized Control Trial (RCT) Study. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 16(4), 529-541. (Impact factor 1.63) (Rank: 5 of 48, Rehabilitation) doi:10.1007/s10926-006-9034-3 - Chan, H., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Chan, C., Lam, C.S., Hui, K.L. & Bard, C. (2006). Validation of Lam assessment of employment readiness (C-LASER) for Chinese injured workers. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 16(4), 697-705. (Impact factor 1.63) (Rank: 5 of 48, Rehabilitation) doi:10.1007/s10926-006-9050-3
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Yeung, S.S.S., Choi, S.M.J., Chan, C.C.H., Lam, C.S.(2006). The Effect of Systematic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Training Programme for People with Intellectual Disabilities. British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 52(102), 3-18. (impact factor 0.318) (Ranking: 37 of 45, Rehabilitation)
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lee, H.C.Y., & Hung, L.K. (2006). Validation of a chopsticks manipulation test for screening Chinese children with fine motor dysfunction. Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics, 11(2), 103-109.
- Wong, J.M.W., Kwan, M.W.W., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2006). Construct Validity of the Chinese Version of the Patient-rated Wrist Evaluation Questionnaire (PRWE-Hong Kong Version). Journal of Hand Therapy, 19(1), 18-27. doi:10.1197/j.jht.2005.10.003
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Mok, J.W.M. (2006). Survey on the employment profile of the occupational therapy graduates in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy. 16, 1-8.
- 李嘉祁, 李曾慧平, 陳智軒, & 林就勝. (2006). "行為認知及再就業訓練" 計劃對工傷工人準備重返工作的效果。中華物理醫學與康復雜誌, 28(9), 601-605.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lau, J.C.M., & Chan, C.C.H. (2005). Prevalence of hypertrophic scar formation and its characteristics among the Chinese population. BURNS, 31(5), 610-616. (Impact factor: 0.956) (Rank:55/141, Surgery) doi:10.1016/j.burns.2005.01.022
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Yeung, S.S.S., Chan, C.C.H., & Hui-Chan, C.W.Y. (2005). Factors affecting people with intellectual disabilities in learning to use computer technology. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 28(2), 127-133. (Impact factor: 0.26) (Rank 40/47, Rehabilitation) doi:10.1097/00004356-200506000-00005
- Hui, A.C.F., Wong, S., Leung, C.H., Tong, P., Mok, V., Poon, D., ... Boet, R. (2005). A randomized controlled trial of surgery vs steroid injection for carpal tunnel syndrome. Neurology, 64(12), 2074-2078. (Impact factor: 5.973) (Rank 5 of 140, Clinical Neurology) doi:10.1212/01.WNL.0000169017.79374.93
- Lau, J.C.M., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Zheng, Y.P. (2005). Application of Tissue Ultrasound Palpation System (TUPS) in objective scar evaluation. BURNS, 31(4), 445-452. (Impact factor: 1.128) (Rank:55/141, Surgery) doi:10.1016/j.burns.2004.07.016
- Cheng, J.C.K., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2005). A comparison of self-perceived physical and psycho-social worker profiles of people with direct work injury, chronic low back pain, and cumulative trauma. WORK, 25(4), 315-323.
- Tse, A.Y.K., Cheng, S.W.C., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Chan, S.Y.C., Tsang-Lau, A.K.P., So, G.S.P., ... Chui, D.Y.Y. (2005). Survey of Occupational Therapy Practise in Hong Kong in 2004. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 15(1), 16-26. doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(09)70030-0
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Chan., S.C.C., Chan, S.Y.Y., & Soo, A.K.W. (2004). The Hong Kong Chinese Version of the Jebsen Hand Function Test: Inter-rater and Test-retest Reliabilities. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 14(1), 12-20. doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(09)70024-5
- Li, W.P.C., Lau, C.M.J., Song, F., Dai, L., & Li, J. (2004). The short term effect of pressure therapy and silicone gel on controlling the hypertrophic scar. Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 26(8), 462-465. 李曾慧平, 劉頌文, 勵建安, 周士枋, 戴玲, & 路鵬。 (2004)。 壓力治療及硅酮敷料治療對增生性瘢痕的療效的短期研究。中華物理醫學與康復雜誌,26(8), 462-465。
- Li-Tsang C.W.P., Chan, C.C.H., Lam, C.S., Hui-Chan, C., & Yeung, S.S. (2004). Evaluations of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Training Programme for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Computers Helping People with Special Needs: Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3118, 1032-1038.
- Wong A.W.K., Chan, C.C.H., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Lam, C.S. (2004). How important is attention function to operate a computer by the people with mental retardation? International Journal of Psychology, 39(5-6), 434-435 Suppl. S. Oct-Dec 2004. (Impact factor 0.587) (Rank 55 of 100, Psychology)
- Wong, A.W.W, Chan, C.C.H., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Lam, C.S. (2004). Neuropsychological Function for Accessibility of Computer Program for People with Mental Retardation. Computers Helping People with Special Needs: Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3118, 1062-1068.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Lau, J.C.M., & Liu, S.K.Y. (2003). Validation of an objective scar pigmentation measurement by using a spectrocolorimeter. BURNS, 29(8), 779-784. (Impact factor: 0.996)(Rank 55/141, Surgery) doi:10.1016/S0305-4179(03)00165-7
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2003). The Hand function of children with and without neurological motor disorders. British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 49(97), 99-110. (impact factor: 0.318) (Ranking: 37 of 45, Rehabilitation)
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Weiss, P.L.T. (2003). Evaluation of a web-based rheumatology course for students in rehabilitation sciences. Work: A special edition on distance education, 20(1), 13-18.
- Leung, C.Y.S., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2003). Quality of Life of Parents who have Children with Disabilities. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 13(1), 19-24. doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(09)70019-1
- Lee, H.C., Lee, A.H., Cameron, D., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2003). Using a driving simulator to identify older drivers at inflated risk of motor vehicle crashes. Journal of Safety Research, 34(4), 453-459. (impact factor: 0.288)
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Chu, M.M.L. (2002). Evidence-based practice in splinting the Injured Hand. Hand Surgery, 7(2), 215-218.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2002). Application of splinting in hand rehabilitation: a reflection of local practice. Hand Surgery, 7(2), 207-208.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Hung, L.K., & Mak, A.F.T. (2002). The effect of corrective splinting on flexion contracture of rheumatoid fingers. Journal of Hand Therapy, 15(2), 185-191. doi:10.1053/hanthe.2002.v15.015018
- Lam, K.M.Y., Shum, C.T.Y., Chan, B.S.W., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2002). Validation of the Hong Kong Developmental Assessment Checklist (HKDAC)-Fine motor skills for toddlers: A Preliminary Study. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 12(1), 33-39. doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(09)70015-4
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Yau, M.K.S., & Yuen, H.K. (2001). Success in Parenting Children with Developmental Disabilities: Some Characteristics, Attitudes and Adaptive Coping Skills. The British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 47(93), 61-71. (impact factor 0.318) (Ranking: 37 of 45, Rehabilitation) doi:10.1179/096979501799155594
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Yung, P.M.B., Chu, E.M.Y., Lau, C.S., & Leung, B.P.K. (2001). The efficacy of a combined joint protection and behavioral management program on the functional status of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 45(6), Supplement S9. (Impact factor: 0.92)
- Wong, C.H. & Li-Tsang, C.W.P., (2001). The relationship of language function of adults with autism to the speech of their mothers. The British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 47(93), 72-85. (impact factor: 0.318) (Ranking: 37 of 45, Rehabilitation)
- Poon, J.Y.L., Wong, V.P.K., Wong, A.F., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2001). A Study of the Hand Function of Chinese Elderly with and without Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 11(1), 26-31. doi:10.1016/S1569-1861(09)70010-5
- Chan, C.C.H., Li, C.W.P., Hung, L.K., & Lam, P.C.W. (2000). A standardized clinical series for work-related lateral epicondylitis. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 10(2), 143-152. (Impact factor: 0.689) doi:10.1023/A:1009404103785
- Li, C. (1999). Force analysis of the belly gutter and capener splints. Journal of Hand Therapy, 12(4), 337-343. doi:10.1016/S0894-1130(99)80074-X
- Yau, M.K.S., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (1999). Adjustment and Adaptation in Parents of Children with Developmental Disability in Two-Parent Families: A Review of the Characteristics and Attributes. The British Journal of Development Disabilities, 45(88), 38-51. (Impact factor: 0.43) doi:10.1179/096979599799156028
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Chan, S.F.K., & Lui, P.W.Y. (1996). Functional Assessment of Repetitive Strain Injuries: Two Case Studies. Journal of Hand Therapy, 9(4), 394-398. doi:10.1016/S0894-1130(96)80048-2