Books Chapters
- 李曾慧平, 亞德•伊娃•俄蘭德深, 王駿(2016) 。手功能康復手冊。中國, 人民衛生出版社。
- 李曾慧平 (2015) 。燒傷之康復治療。載於金東寒(主編),學術講座滙編 (頁197-224) 。中國, 上海:上海大學出版社。
- 李曾慧平, 吳軍, 唐丹 (2015) 。燒傷康復治療學。中國,北京:人民衛生出版社。
- 李曾慧平, 鄧學 (2015)。燒傷瘢痕的壓力治療。載於黃躍生(主編),燒傷早期救治與康復治療學 (頁466-503)。中國, 河北出版傳媒集團 河北科學技術出版社。
- 李曾慧平 (2015)。燒傷瘢痕的壓力治療技術。載於黃躍生(主編),燒傷關鍵治療技術及預防急救指南 (頁137-168)。中國,北京:人民軍醫出版社。
- 李曾慧平, 鄧學 (2015)。作業治療師在燒傷康復中的角色。載於吳宗耀(主編),燒傷康復學 (頁336-360)。中國, 北京:人民衛生出版社。
- Lo, H.S., Chen, C.L., Chen, H.C., Shen, I.H, Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2014). The Application of Computerized Chinese Handwriting Assessment Tool to Children with Cerebral Palsy. In K. Miesenberger, D. Fels, D. Archambault, P. Penaz, W. Zaglerl. Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 14th International Conference, ICCHP 2014, Paris, France, July 9-11, 2014, Proceedings, Part II, (pp203-209). Switzerland, Springer International Publishing
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Sinclair, K., Creek, J. (2013). Therapy, Occupational. In Marc D. Gellman, J. Rick Turne. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine(pp1973-1975). New York, Springer New York
- Tsui, C.M., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. & Lung, G.P.Y. (2012). Dyslexia in Hong Kong: Challenges and Opportunities. In Wichian Sittiprapaporn (Ed.). Learning Disabilities (pp31-48). Rijeka, Croatia: InTech
- 李曾慧平, 鄧健聰, 李奎成 (2012)。燒傷的矯形器應用。載於武繼祥(主編),假肢與矯形器的臨床應用(頁449-462)。中國, 北京市:人民衛生出版社。
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. & Wong, N.P.H. (2009). Information Technology for People with Mental Retardation (Chapter X, pp.185-196). In. Mental Retardation Research Advances. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
- Chan, C. C. H., Sung, C. Y. Y., Lee. T. M. C., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Lam, P. C. W. (2007). Evidence-based practice (Chapter 18) (pp.329-350). In K. Jacobs (Ed.). Ergonomics for Therapists (3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Chan, C.C.H., Lam, C.S., Hui-Chan, C.W.Y. & Yeung, S.S.S. (2004). Computer helping People with Special Needs: Evaluations of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Training Programme for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Chan, C.C.H., Hui-Chan, C.W.Y., Lam, C.S. and Yeung, S.S.S. (2004). Computer helping People with Special Needs: Evaluations of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Training Programme for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Wong, A.W.W., Chan, C.C.H., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. & Lam, C.S. (2004). Computers Helping People with Special Needs: Neuropsychological Function for Accessibility of Computer Program for People with Mental Retardation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- 李曾慧平, 龐愛蘭給你健康人生-職業治療, 龐愛蘭, (2004), 明窗出版社有限公司. 香港.
- Sinclair, Kit, Packer, Tanya L. & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2003). Community Partnership: Learning about Disability. Enhancing Professional Education through Experimental Learning. Education Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Hong Kong.
- Sinclair, Kit & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2003). Development of Clinical Reasoning through Videotaping and Group Feedback. Enhancing Professional Education through Experimental Learning. Education Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Hong Kong.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (1999). Vocational Rehabilitation for patients with cervical injuries. In. Lee. S.W. (Ed.). Cervical spinal disorders: a textbook for rehabilitation sciences students. Springer: Singapore.
- Chan, C.C.H., Lee, T.M.C., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. & Lam, C.K.P. (1999). Evidence-Based Practice. In Jacobs, K. (Ed.). Ergonomics for therapists. (2nd ed.). Buttorworth Heinemann: Boston.