Conference Papers
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2020) Post-burn occupational therapy management on pediatric hand - A case report. 12th Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand and the 8th Asian Pacific Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists triennial meeting, Melbourne, Australia. Yang C. N.,
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2020) Management of burnt hands for children: research and practice. 12th Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand and the 8th Asian Pacific Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists triennial meeting, Melbourne, Australie.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2020) Burns Scar Management for the UL. 12th Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand and the 8th Asian Pacific Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists triennial meeting, Melbourne, Australia.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2020) Conservative management of hypertrophic scar: an update on management. 12th Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand and the 8th Asian Pacific Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists triennial meeting, Melbourne, Australia.
- Tang, K. C., Wong, K. K. & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2019) 脊髓损伤患者的社区康复历程分享, 雲南省康復醫學會2019年學術年會, Kunming, China.
- Shi, X. C., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2019) OT社区康复的教育策略及本地化思考, 雲南省康復醫學會2019年學術年會, Kunming, China.
- Zhang, E. W. L., Li, T. M. H., & , Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2019) Objective Assessment of the Pliability of Hypertrophic Scar, a Systematic Review. 12th Asia-Pacific Burn Conference, Singapore.
- Zhang, E. W. L., Sidney Wong, Stanley Ngai, HC Man, Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2019) The application of PLA Material on 3D Printed Transparent Pressure Masks for Facial Hypertrophic Scar Treatment. 12th Asia Pacific Burn Congress, Singapore.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2019) OT Management on paediatric burned hands. Keynote speech in 14th IFSSH 11th IFSHT Triennial Congress 2019 combined FESSH Congress, Berlin, Germany.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2019) Development of hand therapy in Mainland China. Keynote speech in 14th IFSSH 11th IFSHT Triennial Congress 2019 combined FESSH Congress, Berlin, Germany.
- Zhang, W. L., & , Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2018) The Development of a Comprehensive Objective Assessment Strategy for Hypertrophic Scar. 11th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, Hong Kong.
- Zhang, W. L., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2018) The Pattern of Hypertrophic Scar Progression Based on Comprehensive Objective Assessment Strategy. 1st World Congress of Global Scar Society, Shanghai, China.
- Zhang, W.L., Wei Y.T., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2018) “PLA材料应用于3D打印透明压力面具的可行性研究”. 国际瘢痕学会世界大会. 1st World Congress of Global Scar Society, Shanghai, China.
- Wei YT, Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017) 三維打印透明壓力面具的生物力學有限元分析及在面部燒傷康復中的應用. 中華醫學會燒傷外科學分會2017年學術年會 2017 Annual Meeting of Chinese Burn Association, Wuxi, China. (優秀康復論文一等獎)
- Zhang, Y.T., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017) 一種新型瘢痕疙瘩壓力治療項目:個案隨訪及報告. 中華醫學會燒傷外科學分會2017年學術年會 2017 Annual Meeting of Chinese Burn Association, Wuxi, China.
- Zhang, W.L., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017) “平疤貼”治療增生性瘢痕的臨床效果研究. 中華醫學會燒傷外科學分會2017年學術年會 2017 Annual Meeting of Chinese Burn Association, Wuxi, China.
- Zhang, W.L., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017) Development of Smart Scar Care Pad for Optimal Treatment of Hypertrophic Scar. Invited speech in Centre for Children's Burns and Trauma Research, Children's Health Research Centre, 2017.09.25, Brisbane, Australia.
- Wei YT, Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017) 3D-Printed Transparent Facemark for Children with Facial Hypertrophic Scars. 3rd International Interdisciplinary 3D Conference. Pecs, Hungary.
- Zhang, Y.T., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017) The effect of pressure therapy on hypertrophic scars -- from a mechanotransduction perspective (Oral presentation). Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Zhang, W.L., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017) Investigation of the Clinical Effectiveness of Scar-care on Hypertrophic Scar: A pilot study. British Burn Association Annual Meeting 2017, British Burn Association, London, United Kingdom
- Tse, L.F.L., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017) Development of Chinese visual-orthographic copying skills among kindergarten children in Hong Kong. Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Han Characters Education and Research, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Tse, L.F.L., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2017) Relationship between perceptual-motor and handwriting performance among Kindergarten 3 (K3) children in Hong Kong. Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Han Characters Education and Research, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016) Management of post burn hand conditions.13th IFSSH & 10th IFSHT Triennial Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016) Comprehensive rehabilitation management for children with Burn Injury on Hands. 13th IFSSH & 10th IFSHT Triennial Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016). Case review of burn victims from Taipei colour powder explosion. ISBI, ISBI 2016, Miami, U.S.A.
- Zhang, W.L., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016) Validation of the DermaLab Combo® pliability measurement on post-burn hypertrophic scar. ISBI, ISBI 2016, Miami, U.S.A.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., & Zhang, Y.T. (2016). An innovative pressure therapy for keloid scar: a case report. ISBI, ISBI 2016, Miami, U.S.A.
- Zhang, Y.T., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016). The role of focal adhesions in compression therapy for scars, a review and hypothesis. ISBI, ISBI 2016, Miami, U.S.A.
- Wei YT, Li-Tsang C.W.P. (2016). An innovative 3D printed facemask for management of facial hypertrophic scars: a pilot study. ISBI, ISBI 2016, Miami, U.S.A.
- Li Pan, Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016). The Effect of Pressure on α-SMA, Ki-67 and Cytokeratin 6 in Post-burn Hypertrophic Scar In Vivo: a Longitudinal Study. ISBI, ISBI 2016, Miami, U.S.A.
- Li-Tsang C.W.P. (2016). A solution to the quantitative analysis of children’s handwriting difficulties. Asia Pacific Electronic Health Records Conference, Hong Kong, China
- Wei YT, Li-Tsang C.W.P. (2016). 3D Printed Transparent Facemask-- A New Non-invasive Therapy for Facial Hypertrophic Scars. 2016, 6th Annual Academic Congress of Chinese Society of Digital Medicine & Founding Conference of the International Society of Digital Medicine & 1st International Conference on Digital Medicine and Medical 3D Printing, Nanjing, China
- Tse, L.F.L., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016). Development of Chinese name writing skills among preschoolers in Hong Kong, 14th Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, United States
- Tse, L.F.L., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016). Evaluating Chinese handwriting skills among upper kindergarten children in Hong Kong, 2016 International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, Singapore
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2016). Updated on assessment of Handwriting. HKSHT Education seminar: Children with special needs, The Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy, Hong Kong
- Zhang, Y.Y., & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2015) Post-disaster rehabilitation: from Wenchuan, Ya'an to Ludian earthquake. Annual Conference on Disaster Preparedness and Response 2015, Hong Kong.
- Wei, Y.T., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2015). The use of 3D scanning and 3D printing in the prevention and treatment of facial hypertrophic scars after burn injury. 2015 Annual Meeting of Chinese Burn Association, Shenzhen, China
- Deng, X., Li, P., Wang, H.J., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2014). Clinical effectiveness of the smart pressure-monitored suits (SPMS) in management of post burn hypertrophic scars. Australia & New Zealand Burn Association, ISBI, ISBI 2014, Sydney, Australia
- Zeman, B.D., Li, F., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Tien, N.G., Lam, N.N. (2014). Burns Rehabilitation in Vietnam with Australian and Hong Kong collaboration. Australia & New Zealand Burn Association, ISBI, ISBI 2014, Sydney, Australia
- Deng, X., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2014). A Case Report on Rehabilitative Management in Pediatric Hand Burn. The Europeam Club for Pediatric Burns, 7th World congress on Pediatric Burns, Boston, US
- Deng, X., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2014). Management of paediatric burnt hands: a case report. The European Club for Pediatric Burns, 7th World congress on Pediatric Burns, Boston, US
- Kwok, Y. T., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2014). The impact of musculoskeletal pain on the quality of life of community-dwelling elders. ICN INP/APNN, 8th ICN INP/APNN conference 2014, Helsinki, Finland
- Balasankar, G., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2013). Early Management of Hypertrophic Scar on the Burned Hand. International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy (IFSHT) & International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand(IFSSH), 9th IFSHT Triennial Congress: Knowledge Translation: Moving Evidence into Practice and Practice into Research
12th IFSSH Congress, New Delhi, India - Li-Tsang, C.W.P. & Feng, B.B., Li,P. & Li,K.B, (2012), Study on the outcome of severe burn patients in China. American Burn Congress, 44th Annual Conference, Seattle, USA
- Feng, B.B., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2012). The possible mechanisms of pressure therapy on the management of post burn hypertrophic scars. International Occupational Therapy Conference, 2012.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Pao, W.Y., Wu A. & Li C.K. (2012). Clinical Efficacy of Smart Pressure Monitored Suit(SPMS) on Patients with Varicose Veins of 2 regional hospitals in Hong Kong. International Occupational Therapy Conference, 2012.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2011). Evaluation and Training Handwriting Performance of Children with Dyslexia, Canadian International Conference on Education, Canada
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P. & Feng, B.B. (2011). The effect of SPMP on keloidal scar, American Burn Congress, 43rd Annual Conference, Chicago, USA
- Feng, B.B., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Cheung, K.K. (2011). To Investigate the role of pressure therapy on the maturation of hypertrophic scar, American Burn Society, 43rd Annual Conference, Chicago, USA (Best poster award)
- Feng, B.B., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Li, HJW, Mok WY, Siu WY, Tsang YF (2010). Clinical Efficacy of SMART PRESSURE MONITORED SUIT (SPMS) on patients with varicose veins. The 7th Panpacific Conference on Rehabilitation (PPCR). Hong Kong, China (Best poster award)
- Zhang, Y., Li-Tsang, CWP, Hong, J.Y. (2010). Rehabilitation of post-quake victims with amputation. The 7th Panpacific Conference on Rehabilitation (PPCR). Hong Kong, China
- Li-Tsang, CWP, Fong, KNK, Cheng, ASK, Liu KPY, Siu, AMH, Wong, RSM, Tang, CK (2010). E-case learning in Health and Rehabilitation Education. Teaching and Learning Innovation Symposium. Hong Kong, China. Pp. 20.
- Li-Tsang, CWP, Liu, KPY,, Fong, KNK, Siu, AMH, Wong, RSM, Tang,KC. (2010). Assessment of clinical competence of students from health care disciplines. The 8th 3+3+4 Symposium on Standards Based Assessment and honours classification, University of Hong Kong. pp.7.
- Li-Tsang, CWP, Fong, KNK, Cheng, ASK, Liu KPY, Siu, AMH, Wong, RSM, Tang, CK (2009). Application of E-case studies to enhance outcome based education. The 7th 3+3+4 Symposium on Enhancing students’ learning outcomes for the new 4-year curriculum, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
- Leung, M.P.M., Lam, S.Y.C., Lam, S.T.S., Li-Tsang, W.P.C. (2009). Visual Profile of children with handwriting difficulties in Hong Kong. The 17th Asia Pacific Optometric Congress 2009 (APOC) P. 33. Hong Kong. China
- Li-Tsang, CWP, Liu, KPY,, Fong, KNK, Siu, AMH, Wong, RSM, Tang,KC. (2009). Application of e-case studies to enhance outcome based education. The 7th 3+3+4 Symposium on Enhancing and assessing students' learning outcomes for the new 4-year curriculum, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- 李曾慧平 (2008), 作業治療教育在香港之發展及未來挑戰。2008國際作業治療研討會 (P. 29-31) 廣州,中國
- LI-Tsang, W.P.C., Yu,W.M.W. and Lai, H.Y.C. (2008). Fabric Property Analysis for Pressure Garment. The 6th Pan-pacific Conference on Rehabilitation and The 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting of the HKARM and 2008 Graduate Student Conference in Rehabilitation Sciences. (P.72) Hong Kong. China. (merit prize for poster presentation)
- J.Q. Li, W.P. Li-Tsang, G.U. Lin, Y.P. Zheng & Y.P. Huang (2008). To Investigate the Microcirculation Changes in Hypertrophic Burn Scars Under Mechanical Pressure among the Chinese Population: A Preliminary Study. The 2nd Hong Kong International Burns and Wound Healing Symposium. (P.37) Hong Kong, China
- Candy H.Y. Lai, Alex K.K. Cheung, Andrew Burd, Linda Huang, C.W.P. Li-Tsang (2008). Inhibition on the Growth of Hypertrophic Scar Fibroblasts upon Pressure Loading- Preliminary Report. The 2nd Hong Kong International Burns and Wound Healing Symposium. (P. 38-39) Hong Kong, China
- C.W.P. Li-Tsang (2008). Outcomes, efficacy and evidence based practice in hand therapy. 10th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH) and 7th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy (IFSHT) Sydney, Australia
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Pluto K.K. Choi (2007). The effectiveness of pressure therapy on abdominal surgical scar. The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC) P. 36. Hong Kong, China
- Li-Tsang, C.W. P. (2007). Rehabilitation of hand and Upper Limb Burns: Research and Practice. The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). P.51. Hong Kong, China
- Lai, C.H.Y. Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Guo, X., Liu, K.P.Y., Lam, T.W.L., (2007). Effect of Pressure on Human Burn Scar Tissue-An in Vitro Experimental Study.The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). P.69. Hong Kong, China
- Cheung, C. W. S. & Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2007). The effect of an ocular motor control training in enhancing Chinese handwriting performance of children with specific learning difficulties (SLD).The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). P.76. Hong Kong, China
- Wong, J.K.K., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2007). Enhancing Visual Search In People with Intellectual Disabilities (ID).The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). P.100. Hong Kong, China
- Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Cheung, C. W. S. & Lam, S. S.T., (2007) The Effectiveness of Interactive Computerized Handwriting Training Programme (ICHTP) to enhance Chinese Handwriting Performance. The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). Hong Kong, China (Poster Presentation)
- Wong. P.H.N., Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2007). The Effect of Information and Communication technology (ICT) training for people with autistic spectrum disorder. The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). Hong Kong, China (Poster presentation)
- Mok. W. M. J. Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Jones. A (2007). Virtual Case Management for Occupational Therapy Students: The Development of a Clinical Classroom. The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). Hong Kong, China
- Mok. W. M. J.Li-Tsang, C. W. P.(2007). Survey on Employment Profile of Occupational Therapy Graduates in Hong Kong. The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). Hong Kong, China
- Poon, W.K., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Rosenblum, S & Weiss, T.P.L. (2007) The Effect of a computerized training Program to Improve the Chinese Handwriting of Children: A Pilot Study. The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). Hong Kong, China (Poster presentation)
- Cheung, C. W. S., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Rosenblum, S & Weiss, T.P.L,(2007) Factors affecting Chinese Handwriting Performance among Children in Hong Kong. The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). Hong Kong, China. (Poster Presentation)
- Cheung, C. W. S. & Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Weiss, P.L. & Rosenblum, S. (2007). Factors affecting handwriting performance among children in Hong Kong. The 4th Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2007 (APOTC). Hong Kong, China
- Cheung, C. W. S. & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2007). Transfer of skills to teachers and parents in enhancing handwriting performance. The Tenth Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education (IASE). International Association of Special Education (p122-123). Hong Kong, China
- Cheung, C. W. S. & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2007). Factors affecting handwriting performance: a different scene for Chinese Handwriting? The 7th International Conference on DCD (DCD- VII Conference). RMIT University (p59). Melbourne, Australia
- Cheung, C. W. S., Li-Tsang, C. W. P., Weiss, P.L. & Rosenblum, S. (2007) The ocular motor and handwriting skills in children with specific learning difficulties. The 8th Motor Control and Human Skill Conference. Research Centre for Applied Psychology and School of Psychology, Curtin University of Technology. Perth. Australia
- Cheung, C. W. S. & Li-Tsang, C. W. P. (2006). Is the interactive computerized handwriting training effective to enhance Chinese handwriting performance? A Pilot Study. The Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2006 (APERA). Hong Kong institute of Education. Hong Kong. China
- Cheung,W.S.C., Li-Tsang, C.W.P. (2006). Measurement of pen pressure during handwriting: a validation study. The 5th Pan-pacific Conference on Rehabilitation and the Pre-FIMS World Congress of Sports medicine 2006. Centre for East-meets-West in Rehabilitation Sciences and Department of Rehabilitation Sciences. (P.62) Hong Kong. China
- Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Lau, C.M.J., Liu, K., Guo, X., Chan, S.T., Choi, J., (2005). The effect of different pressure therapy methods on the vascular changes of hypertrophic scar. The 5th Asia Pacific Burns Congress, Shanghai, China
- Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Guo, X., Liu, K. Lau, C.M.J., (2005). The effect of different pressure therapy methods on the vascular changes of hypertrophic scar and normal skin. 18th Congress of Hong Kong Surgery of the Hand 2005, Hong Kong, China.
- Li, J.Q., Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Chan, C.C.H. (2005). A randomized control study on a"Return to work" program. The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Annual National Conference 2005, Vancouver, Canada
- 李嘉祁, 李曾慧平, 陳智軒, 林就勝 (2005) “行為認知及再就業訓練” 計劃對工傷工人準備重返工作的效果。論文集. P.182-192. 內地與香港工傷康復發展交流研討會暨第二届中國工傷康復論壇, 廣州, 中國
- 李萍英, 李曾慧平, 李慧敏, 林志鋒 (2005) “職業性失聽人士之職業復康計劃。論文集. P.101-104. 內地與香港工傷康復發展交流研討會暨第二届中國工傷康復論壇, 廣州, 中國
- Li, J.Q., Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Chan, C.C.H. (2005). The effect of a “Return to work” programme for long-term injured workers in Hong Kong. 18th Congress of Hong Kong Surgery of the Hand 2005, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, C.M. J., Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Liu, K.Y.S. & Wu, W.C. (2004). A prospective randomized clinical trial on comparing the effectiveness of pressure therapy on hypertrophic scar. 12th Congress of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 2004. Yokohoma, Japan
- Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Lau, C.M. J., Chan, C.C.H., Liu, K.Y.S. & Wu, W.C. (2004). To investigate the effectiveness of silicone gel sheeting (Cica-care) on post-surgical hypertrophic scar. 12th Congress of the International Society for Burn Injuries, Yokohoma, Japan.
- Liu K. Y., Li-Tsang, W. P. C., Wu W. C. (2004). A prospective randomized clinical trial to compare the effect of silicon gel and pressure therapy on post-surgical hypertrophic scar. Hong Kong East and Hong Kong West Clusters Joint Rehabilitation Scientific Conference 2004, Hong Kong, China (Best Paper Award)
- Li-Tsang, W. P.C., Lau, C.M.J, Liu. K. Y. S. & Wu, W.C.S. (2004). A randomized clinical study on the effect of pressure therapy on post surgical Hypertrophic scar. Hong Kong Surgery of the Hand 2004 Congress, Hong Kong, China. (Best Paper Award)
- Soo, AKW, Li-Tsang. W.P.C. (2004). Randomized controlled trial on the functional training program for elderly after hip surgery. Abstracts Issue: 13(9): 1503 11th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research. Hong Kong, China
- Soo AKW, Li-Tsang, W.P.C, (2004). Randomized controlled trial on the functional training program for elderly after hip surgery. Abstracts: Vol. 8 supplement, S29. The 24th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association. Hong Kong, China
- Wong Man Wah & Li-Tsang, W.P.C., (2004). Validity and reliability study of the translated Chinese version of the patient rated wrist evaluation questionnaire (PRWE). Abstract book: A246. The 5th Congress of the Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Osaka, Japan
- Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Liu, K.Y.S., Wu, W.C., Lau, C. M. J. (2004). A prospective randomized clinical trial on the combined effect silicone gel sheeting and pressure therapy on management of post-surgical hypertrophic scar. Abstract book: A247. The 5th Congress of the Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Osaka, Japan
- Li-Tsang, W.P. C., Karen Liu, Xianna Guo X. Maggie Lee Y.F. and Joy Lau C.M.(2004) The effect of pressure therapy on the vascular changes. Abstract book, P.77. The 4th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, Hong Kong, China
- Li, J.Q. E., Li, Li-Tsang, W.P.C., and Chan, C.C.H. (2004), A randomized control study on the effect of an innovative “return to work” programme for injured workers. Abstract book, P.65. The 4th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, Hong Kong, China
- Wong A.W.K., Chan, C.C.H., Li-Tsang, W.P.C., and Chow S.L. (2004) Enhancing Human-computer interaction for people with mental retardation, Abstract book, P.34. The 4th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, Hong Kong, China
- Li-Tsang, W.P. C., Hui-Chan, C.W.Y., Yeung, S.S., Lee, Y.F. and Siu, Andrew (2004) The effect of information and communication technology (ICT) training for people with intellectual disabilities: A six-month follow –up study. Abstract book, P.35. The 4th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, Hong Kong, China
- Wong Alex W.W., C.H.Chan, Chetwyn, Li-Tsang, W.P.C. & Lam Chow S. (2004). Neuropsychological function for accessibility of computer program for people with mental retardation. 9th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Paris, France
- Li-Tsang, W.P. C., C.H. Chan. Chetwyn, Lam, Chow S., Hui-Chan, Christina & Yeung Siu-sze (2004). Evaluation of an information and communication technology (ICT) training programme for persons with intellectual disabilities. 9th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Paris, France
- Wong, A., Chan, C., Li-Tsang, W. P.C., Lau, C. (2004) How reading in the Internet Explorer for use by People with mental retardation. American Association on Mental Retardation 128th Annual Congress, Philadelphian, USA.
- Wong. A.W.K., Chan, C.C.H., Li-Tsang, W. P.C., Lam, C.C. (2004). Computer related ability profile for people with mental retardation. Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Symposium 2004, Hong Kong, China
- Tse, J., Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Siu, A., Yeung, S. (2004). Computer technology - A digital divide for persons with mental handicap. Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Symposium 2004, Hong Kong, China
- Xu, Y., Chan, C.C.H., Li, W.P.C., Hui, K. (2004). Predicting injured workers returning to work-preliminary Results. Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Symposium 2004, Hong Kong, China.
- Lau, J.C.M., Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Liu, K.Y.S., Cheung, W.W. (2004). To study the course of color change of hypertrophic scar maturation. Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Symposium 2004, Hong Kong, China
- Li, W.P.C., J., Lau, C.M.J., Song, F., Dai, L. and Chou, S.F.(2003) A prospective clinical randomized trail to compare the effect of silicone gel dressing, pressure therapy and the combined treatment in post-burn hypertrophic scar. The Symposium of 2003 National Congress and 20th Anniversary of the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, China, Beijing
- Li, W.P.C., J., Lau, C, M, J. and Zheng, Y.P. (2003) The effect of combined pressure therapy and silicone gel on management of hypertrophic scar. The Asia Pacific Burns Congress, Brisbane, Australia
- Li, W.P.C., Lau, C.M.J, and Zheng, Y.P., Liu, K.Y.S., Wu, W.C. (2003). A prospective randomized clinical trial on the combined effect of silicone gel sheeting and pressure therapy on management of post surgical Hypertrophic scar. Hong Kong Orthopaedic Congress 2003, Hong Kong, China.
- Li, W.P.C., Lau, C.M.J., Liu, K.Y.S., and Wu, W.C. (2003). Prevalence of Hypertrophic Scar formation among Chinese population. Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Symposium 2003, Hong Kong, China
- Li, W.P.C. (2002) Validation of the spectrocolorimeter in burn scar assessment. Annual Conference, Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand, Hong Kong, China.
- Li, W.P.C. (2002) Application of early splinting for patients with post burn hypertrophic scar. Presented at the 6th National Conference for Chinese Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine. Nanjing, China.
- Li-Tsang, W.P.C., Lau, J.C.M., Liu, S.K.Y. & Wu, W.C. (2002) Prevalence of hypertrophic scar formation among the Chinese population. The 3rd Conference of European Club for Paediatric Burns . Hong Kong, China. (Poster Presentation)
- Lau J.C.M., Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Zheng, Y.P., Liu, S.K.Y (2002). Application of TUPS (Tissue ultrasound palpation system) in objective scar evaluation. The 3rd conference of European Club for Paediatric Burns. Hong Kong, China.
- Li, W.P.C.(2002), Management of patients with burn injuries. Burns Symposium organised by Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation & The Capital Hospital of LunGang. Shen Zhen, China.
- Li-Tsang, C.W.P., Yung, P.M.B., Chu, E.M.Y. , Lau, C.S. & Leung, B. P.K. (2001). The efficacy of a combined joint protection and behavioral management program on the functional status of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Presented at the 36th Annual Scientific Meeting, Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals. US.
- Li, W.P.C. (2001). A hand function profile for children with fine motor dysfunction. 5th International Congress of International Federation of Society for Hand Therapy, Turkey.
- Li, W.P.C., Yung, P.M. B., Chu, E.M.L., Lau, C.S. & Leung, B.P.K. (2001) The physical, psychological and functional status among the Chinese patients with rheumatoid arthritis. 5th International Congress of International Federation of Society for Hand Therapy, Turkey.
- Yung, P.M.B., Li, C.W.P., Lau, C.S., Chu, E.M.L., & Leung, B.P.K. (2001)The development of a behavioural rehabilitation program in improving the mental health status of rheumatoid arthritis patients: an innovative study. An International conference on Health Sciences, Education and Practice. Hong Kong.
- Li, W.P.C (2000). Hand Therapy in the new millennium? Jointly organized between Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand and International Federation of Society for hand Therapy
- Li. W.P.C (2000). Current trends in rehabilitation of people with disabilities in Hong Kong. Third Bilateral Scientific Meeting with Chinese Medical Association, Guang Zhou, China
- Li. W.P.C. (2000). Effect of pressure therapy and silicone gel on hypertrophic scar: Case Review International Scar Symposium, 2000
- Li. W.P.C. (2000) Occupational Therapy services for adults with mental handicap: a new focus. Conference on Adult services for mentally handicapped adults: Into the new millennium, Wai Ji 20th Anniversary Conference.
- Li, W.P.C. & Hung, L.K. (1999). Hand function of children with and without neurological disorders. Hong Kong Orthopaedic Congress. Hong Kong. (Award paper presentation, Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress, 1999)
- Li, W.P.C. & Hung, L.K. (1999). A hand function profile for Chinese preschool children with and without hand dysfunction. Hong Kong Society of Surgery of the Hand. 1999 Annual congress.
- Li, W.P.C. (1999). Hand function of children with and without congenital anomalies of hand. 2nd Congress of the Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Singapore.
- Li, W.P.C. (1998) Fine motor skills, sensorimotor performance of preschool children in Hong Kong. 4th Congress of International Federation of Hand Therapy, 98, Vancouver, Canada.
- Li, W.P.C. Chan, C.H. & Lam, C.W. (1998). Effect of jont mobilisation, education and work hardening for patients with cumulative trauma disorders. 7th International congress of International Federation for Society of Hand Surgery., Vancouver, Canada.
- Li, W.P.C. (1998). The correlation of grip strengths and chopsticks manipulation skills of preschool children in Hong Kong. First Pan Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation. Guangzhou, China.
- Li, W.P.C. (1997). Hand Function Evaluation for patients with hand injuries. 7th Triennial Scientific Meeting on Hand Surgery Society of Chinese Medical Association, Xian, China.
- Li, W.P.C., Chan, C.H., Lam, C.W. & Hung, L.K. (1997). Contributing factors for female patients suffered from cumulative trauma disorders. Hong Kong Society of Hand Surgery Annual congress, 97, Hong Kong.
- Li, W.P.C., Hung, L.K. & Wong, W.N. (1997) Outcomes of patients with hand injuries: a follow up survey. Hong Kong Society of Hand Surgery Annual congress,97, Hong Kong.
- Li, W.P.C., Hung, L.K. & Wong, W.N. (1997). Rehabilitation Outcomes of patients with hand injuries. Hong Kong International Occupational Therapy Conference.
- Chung, C.C. J. & Li, W.P.C. (1996). Enhancing the integration of physical assessment techniques into clinical studies. Action learning project conference. Nov, 1996. Abstract pp. 25.
- Li, W.P.C & Hung, L.K. (1995) A comparative study on the functional range of motion on the normal and rheumatoid hand. III International Congress of the International Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists, Finland. Proceedings.
- Li, W.P., Chan, F.K.S. & Lui, P. (1995) Functional assessment of of repetitive strain injuries III International Congress of the International Federation of Societies of Hand Therapists, Finland. Proceedings.
- Li, W.P. (1994). Recent Advances in Hand rehabilitation: A Hong Kong Perspective The first Annual Singapore - Malaysia Occupational Therapy symposium, Singapore. Proceedings pg. 23-25.
- Li, W.P. (1994). Measurement of finger joint motion during functional activities- a pilot study The 14th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, Hong Kong. Proceedings pg. 141.
- Li, W.P. (1994). A comparative study on grip strengths measurement device for rheumatoid arthritic patients. Regional Conference on Hand surgery and rehabilitation, Hong Kong. Proceedings pp. 215.
- Li, C.W.P. (1994). The effect of corrective splintage on rheumatoid fingers. International Biomedical engineering conference (BME 94), Hong Kong. Proceedings pp. 429-433.
- Tam, E. & Li, W.P. (1994). Comparative evaluation of hand splinting material: a biomechanical study. International Biomedical engineering conference (BME 94), Hong Kong. Proceedings pp. 253-258.
- Li, W.P. & Au, M.L. (1994). Social Skills Training & Education for People with Mental Handicap., 11th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation, Korea. Proceedings, Vol. 2. pp 250-256.